
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Food Adventure: Ohio

Ok I'm going to be completely, totally honest right now, I was really not looking forward to Cincinnati style chili. Spaghetti noodles topped with chili laced with cinnamon sprinkled with cheddar cheese. Eek. Not my idea of a good time. Regardless of what I wanted, we made the stop in Columbus, Ohio at a restaurant called Skyline Chili for Ohio's state food. Upon entering the restaurant I was still not super excited about what we were about to eat so we ordered a small plate and hoped for the best. Our food arrived quickly and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. The cinnamon flavor in the chili is very subtle but gives it a sort of sweetness that I really didn't hate. I actually kind of liked it. Adam really liked the chili over spaghetti, he suuuper liked it. So much that he's requested it for dinner in the near future. It's still not something that I am in love with but I could do from time to time. Overall I am not in a huge hurry to head back for another round of Cincinnati style chili but I can say that it's better than it sounds.
Thanks for the adventure Ohio!

On our "yumm scale" we rated Skyline Chili's Cincinnati Style Chili as a Yumm.

For your reference the "Yumm Scale" :
1. Yuck
2. Yu...
3. Yumm
4. Super Yumm
5. Holymolycanoliyumm!

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