
Sunday, September 9, 2012


Our summer bucket list included making s'mores over a bon fire. Unfortunately with all of the wild fires in the Utah mountains this summer there are some serious fire restrictions going on therefore making it difficult to have a fire, making it difficult to roast mallows for s'mores. But being the problem solver that I am, I didn't let that come between me and my gooey summer treat. We started up my parent's grill and roasted them over the coals.

Even though the marshmallows had expired in January and we only had one Hershey bar to go around the s'mores were great and I got to cross another activity off my summer bucket list!

1 comment:

  1. Is that...a Reese's I see wedged in between the mallow and the graham??? That is my most favorite treat in the world! When Josh and I have campouts in the living room, we make s'mores in the microwave like a boss. I like my mallows to radiate cancer I guess.
    Anyway. Fun! Yay summer bucket lists.
