Do you want to know why I married Adam?
You do?
Alright then
Sometimes I when haven't done laundry in 2 weeks,
I come home from a long day at work and I see this
(With my clothes clean, hung, and folded in my closet)
Sometimes when I beg Adam to do a puzzle with me,
he does
and he doesn't complain when it takes 5 hours and 35 minuets
and he loves me when I make this face
Sometimes he lets me take his picture when he really doesn't want me to
Sometimes when he tells me to check the mail I see this
because he really, really loves me
(somehow I do not own a copy of this)
And sometimes when I ask him to watch it with me
he agrees, and even pretends to like it
Sometimes when I give myself a facial, I make him have one too
Sometimes he loves it
(but mostly not)
I married him because he loves me.